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Acting for Action!

preparing power moves for the performing arts


Every Second Saturday of the month from 10am-1pm


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Bean Dip Production's ACTING FOR ACTION! Workshop will give attendees some of the basic building blocks that go into film acting as a craft, and action as a performance art.


The section will be an introduction into acting - focusing on the ideas of using your body, emotions, and vocal patterns to help create a character.


The second will delve into the world of action. Combining notions of stunt work, martial arts, and fitness to explain the ideas and concepts of what the body is capable of, you will be taught how to take a punch, how to throw a punch, how to fall, how to behave on the ground, and many more aspects of what makes Action convincing.


Next, you will focus on basic choreography: situational “scenes” that actors are likely to run into that involve physical acting and will include lines of dialogue that we'll decide upon collectively.

Then final section takes the choreography that we’ve established and incorporates it into the scene. Keith as director and Trevor as action director will provide scripted scenes for the actors that utilize the movements they have already been training along with other directing approaches that actors are likely to encounter.  


Thus, driving home the idea that physical action is just as flexible as an actor’s choice.

It informs the character and is simultaneously informed by the character. So often we perceive action as its own separate sequence within a piece.  But, in reality it is a part of the story, a part of a character's response.  It is an interaction that can be just as defining as a conversation or a soliloquy.




Bean Dip Productions 


Bean Dip Productions is an independent production company founded in 2011 by Keith Brooks and Trevor Garner.  The first film they released, a short fan film called Deadpool: A Typical Tuesday, has amassed over 28 million views worldwide, was acquired by Marvel Comics and adapted into seven comic books, and was referenced in both the Deadpool video game and the major motion picture starring Ryan Reynolds.  Bean Dip Productions has written, directed, and produced several award winning shorts, three feature films, and were show runners for content on Stan Lee's World of Heroes.  They were also given a PhD in Pocky by Ezaki Glico (no, seriously).

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