So you want to become a Voiceover Hero but feel like you don't have the time or budget to catch a class live or in person? Now, there's another option! Simply watch these epic Voice Power workouts with the Neighborhood Studio now on your own time!
These Classes ON DEMAND! are great for taking refresher notes, learning at your own pace, and even learning on your own schedule.
Epic Voiceover Classes Now ON DEMAND!
Voice Over
Vigilante Beginner's Workshop
Whenever you like!
It's a Class on Demand!
So you're a VO fanboy/fangirl and you wanna be a VO Superhero? Well, now you can! On your Own Time! Learn the basics of everything you need to know in our VO Vigilante Beginner's Workshop-- Class on Demand ONLINE! Even if you never take another class on Voiceover it's what you need to jump into the business on your own as a VO Vigilante and pull yourself up by your own bootstraps.​
Cost for this Masterclass is only $99! It's the best value for your time and energy. In fact, people from all over the world have now watched and attended. Reserve your place now as space is limited!
Getting started without spending a fortune
What makes a good demo
Agents: how & when to find them
Equipment for your home studio
Finding your first client
How to find business & what to say
Evaluating your voice’s potential
Recording in a professional studio
You will learn what it really takes to get started in this awesome industry
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You'll use what you learned in the Basic Cycle for these next 3 Classes.
Anytime and now on your time!
Intermediate Level
On Demand!
Wondering where to start when it comes to Voiceover? AFTER you watch the Beginner's Guide to the VO Business Workshop take these classes next!
Now it's time to tie everything together. Live Announcing will use every skill you learned so far, Advanced Production will help you apply everything, and Advanced Marketing is where you're ready to fly out of the nest and soar like an eagle!
Thursday Morning or any morning. You decide when you want to watch!
Advanced Voiceover
On Demand!
On Demand!
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$59 per class!
$59 per class!
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$59 per class!
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Topics for 3 Classes:
Commercial VO's & Making money For Being You Class
Corporate Narration & Making money by Telling Others What To Do
Doing the JOB- Cleanly Recording your Auditions & Basic Editing
Advanced Class Topics:
Live Announcing & All Eyes on YOU
Advanced Production Power & Sound Design
Marketing Yourself to Make More Money
Intermediate Classes include:​
Political VO & Making Money for Slingin' Mud
Broadcasting & Making Money for Being a Gossip
Character Voices & Making Money for Listening to the Voices in Your Head